
Analysis of 9 Reasons for Instability of Workpiece Processed by CNC Machine Tool(2)

Analysis of 9 Reasons for Instability of Workpiece Processed by CNC Machine Tool(2)

2022-07-01 14:20:14

6. In batch production, the workpiece is out of tolerance occasionally


Cause of the problem: it is necessary to carefully check the tooling and fixture, and consider the operator's operation method and the reliability of the fixture. Because of the size change caused by the fixture, it is necessary to improve the tooling to prevent the workers from making false judgments due to human negligence; The numerical control system may be disturbed by the fluctuation of external power supply or after being disturbed, the disturbance pulse will be transmitted to the drive, causing the drive to accept the remaining pulse, and the drive motor will take away or leave less.


Solution: understand and grasp the rules, and try to choose some anti-interference methods, such as the strong current cable disturbed by the strong electric field is blocked from the signal line of the weak current signal, the absorption capacitance participating in the anti-interference, and the shielding wire barrier. In addition, check whether the ground wire is firmly connected and whether the grounding contact is recent. Adopt all anti-interference methods to prevent the system from being disturbed.




7. There is a change in the processing of one process of the workpiece, and the dimensions of other processes are accurate


Fault reason: whether the parameters of the program in this program section are reasonable, whether they are within the reserved track, and whether the programming pattern conforms to the requirements of the specification.


Solution: when the thread program segment presents disordered teeth and wrong pitch, it is immediately associated with the peripheral equipment (encoder) for processing threads and the objective factors of this function.


8. Each process of the workpiece has the phenomenon of increasing or decreasing


Fault cause: programming fault; Unreasonable system parameter setting; Improper equipment setting; The mechanical transmission parts have regular periodic changes.


Solution: check whether the instructions used in the program are performed according to the requirements specified in the instructions. You can judge by playing the dial indicator. Position the dial indicator at the starting point of the program, and let the carriage return to the starting point after the program is completed. Repeat the performance even if you investigate the results and grasp the rules; Check whether the system parameters are set reasonably or considered to be changed; Whether the single calculation of the coupling parameters of the relevant machine tool equipment meets the requirements and whether the pulse equivalent is accurate; Check whether the transmission part of the machine tool is damaged, whether the gear coupling is even, and whether there are periodic and regular defects. If so, check the key part and clean it up.


9. The scale change caused by the system is unstable


Fault cause: unreasonable system parameter setting; Unstable operating voltage; The system is disturbed by the outside, resulting in the system being out of step; Capacitance has been added, but the impedance between the system and the driver does not match, resulting in the loss of useful signals; The signal transmission between the system and the driver is abnormal; System damage or internal defects.


Solution: whether the speed and acceleration time is too large, whether the spindle speed and cutting speed are reasonable, and whether the system function changes due to the operator's parameter correction; Install voltage stabilizing equipment; The grounding wire is determined to be firmly connected, and an anti disturbance absorption capacitor is added at the pulse output contact of the driver; Select the appropriate capacitor model; Check whether the signal connection between the system and the driver is shielded, whether the connection is secure, and whether the system pulse generation signal is lost or added; Send to the factory to repair or replace the motherboard.


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